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Setting the tone for the coming season, we have been working with our landscaping contractors, Majestic Garden Services, to complete a programme of winter maintenance tasks at the Oakham Heights development in Rutland.
Whilst the growing season in the Spring & Summers months is traditionally that which requires the most maintenance, such as grass cutting, the winter months are a good opportunity to catch up on the smaller albeit equally important tasks. These tasks really make a difference to the standard of the estate, and we believe can often set it apart from a council maintained estate.
Recent examples of this work at Oakham Heights include edging paths, hard pruning some of the shrubs and turning over the flower beds to prepare the soil for the new growing season.
Paying attention to detail and planning ahead when working hard on behalf of our residents really does generate a sense of pride in our estates.
With these basic but very important tasks well under way, we are looking forward to Spring and a real burst of seasonal colour to help enable our residents to enjoy their open spaces – especially given the restrictions we have experienced these past few years!