How Preim's community asset stewardship model is evolving.

Good governance of infrastructure

How Preim's community asset stewardship model is evolving

Preim are one of the UK's leading estates management company

Giving people control over their environment

Green spaces

Planning green space within a development to be communal and owned by a management company can be an alternative sustainable solution to satisfying a developer’s Section 106 obligations. There could also be a potential cost saving on local authority adoption and commuted sums.

In addition to these practical considerations, a balance of green open space further enriches the environment of a community and will help maintain, and increase, property values.

Creating community green space will have intrinsic benefits for everyone. There will be the social and leisure aspects as well as the environmental perspective. All, will help to engender the sense of belonging within the community and nurture a growing pride in the local surroundings.

Making the most of the green outdoor assets

By choosing to outsource community green space management, developers and resident companies look to a trusted and professional property management maintenance service, such as Preim, to protect these assets on their behalf.

We understand the value of green space and communal facilities to both the developer and the community. We will refine existing maintenance models or create bespoke maintenance service contracts to meet the particular requirements of a developer or resident company.

Preim manage green spaces at Tadpole garden Village     Preim manage allotments fulfilling S106 obligations      Preim successfully manage green spaces on behalf of resident companies across England and Wales

Putting this into practice

Preim’s outdoor green spaces maintenance is all encompassing and can run way beyond the limits of a traditional service. For instance, we work with ground-breaking developers and resident companies that are committed to making real inroads into understanding and caring for their community environments.

Preim work with partners to create natural habitats in which both people and wildlife can flourish



This is evident in schemes such as Crest Nicholson’s Tadpole Garden Village in Wiltshire where they will be establishing a 60-hectare Nature Park working closely with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.



It will be our responsibility – and our privilege – to maintain and manage tthe green spaces on this development for the future enjoyment of the entire community, including its wildlife residents!

Wild deer at Tadpole Garden Village