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As a managing agent on strategic new build developments, Preim believes there is so much more you can do to help build sustainable communities where people love living.
So we take great pleasure in welcoming to Preim, two new Community Mobilisers, Sarah New and Anna Smart.
Our new mobilisers have joined us as residents are beginning to move onto Crest Nicholson’s Garden Villages at Monksmoor Park, Daventry and Tadpole Garden Village, Swindon. Sarah and Anna’s role is to engage with people as they move into each village and will be helping these fledgling communities to organise newsletters, country walks, picnics/buffets, community forums and other neighbourhood activities as part of a comprehensive community engagement strategy.
By utilising our mobilisers in this way, we hope to encourage neighbourliness and to help build more socially aware and inclusive developments. Places that are not only about somewhere for people to live, but are healthy, thriving new settlements with a strong sense of community at their heart.
Sarah and Anna have already began work in their retrospective villages; If you live in Monksmoor Park or Tadpole Garden Village and would like to contact your mobiliser with ideas around future community events, please do try your community forum or contact us.