Vehicular Crossing/Dropped Kerb Application
If you own a property and you wish to park a vehicle on that property, but currently do not have a vehicular crossing / dropped kerb on the adjacent highway from which to do so, then you MUST apply to the residents’ company for permission to install a vehicular crossing / dropped kerb and satisfy certain criteria.
Vehicular Crossings, also known as dropped kerbs, are where kerbs have been lowered and the footway or verge strengthened to allow vehicles to cross over to an adjacent property.
Please note the residents’ company will not allow any vehicular crossing where the depth of the frontage car parking space is less than 5 metres.
The vehicular crossing / dropped kerb when constructed, does not become your property. It will form part of the communal infrastructure and will be owned by the residents’ company. However, you will be responsible for its maintenance.
The crossing only serves to provide access to and from your property; it does not reserve a parking space on the communally owned residents’ company road for you. The crossing should not be used as a parking space.
How can I apply for a vehicular crossing / dropped kerb?
- You will need to complete the Preim Application Form for a Vehicular Crossing..
- You will also need to agree to Preim’s Terms and Conditions and any work carried out must comply with Preim’s Construction Specification (See example here).
How much does it cost?
If your application is approved a fee of £250 is required for the administration of the request to ensure compliance with any residents’ company requirements. Unless otherwise agreed this must be received before construction can commence. Payment can be made by BACS, using the details below.
Bank: Barclays
Bank Account name: Preim Limited
Sort code: 20-67-37
Account number: 33486575
Reference: First line of the property address
Please email PREIM Ltd to confirm once payment is made to:
We will request payment from you once your application has been approved.
Once payment has been received, we will send you two copies of the licence. Please sign the licences and plans where indicated and return them to us for completion and signature by the director of the resident’s company.
The completed licence will be returned to you; it should be kept in a safe place with the title deeds to your property. It is likely that any prospective new owner of your property will need a copy of the licence before they will be able to complete any future purchase.
Proceeding with Crossing/Dropped Kerb works without a valid licence could mean you are liable for all costs to remedy any works and any damage to communal infrastructure.
Please return your application/licence to: PREIM Limited Unit 8 The Forum, Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE2 6FT
Email: Tel: 01778 382210